Can you swap CBD for Alcohol?
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Can you swap CBD for Alcohol?

Well, 2021 has sure given us a lot of opportunities to practice patience, hasn’t it?

Between staying on top of our physical and mental wellbeing, juggling our work/life balance, tackling new technology like Zoom, or homeschooling programs with the kids — there’s never been a greater need for peace and calm.

With the holidays rapidly approaching, you may feel like “peace” and “calm” are the furthest things from describing your real life. And if that’s how you feel — that’s 100% OK — just know that you are not alone!

Unwinding with CBD vs Alcohol

This year, a big topic of conversation is “How can I create a healthy work/life balance?” and “What is a healthy way to unwind and decompress after a long day?”

If you find yourself asking these questions –or find yourself wishing you could bust out your new bottle of wine at 4 pm — then this post is for you.

With winter approaching, now is the perfect time to recommit to our health and wellbeing by taking extra good care of ourselves. Self-care can come in many forms — and from what I’ve noticed in my own life — dedicating even just a few minutes a day can make a big impact. Showing up daily is what matters.

For many women, our typical coping mechanisms are gone. Maybe your favorite gym or yoga studio has shut down. Maybe you miss your daily commute to and from work and find yourself missing that alone-time for processing your thoughts. With so many folks working from home, our typical signals for starting and stopping work are gone. So now we have to rely on our own coping skills to develop a good work/life balance.

A good day tomorrow starts with planning NOW!

It’s important to set yourself up for success the best that you can. That way you can hit the ground running tomorrow. Sure you may have had a completely horrible day. But is a bottle of alcohol really the best approach for unwinding? I’ve heard from many women this year that they’re leaning on alcohol more than they’d like to. We certainly don’t judge. I know this year has been one of the hardest years in history. But it’s times like these where building healthy habits can really pay off down the road.

Many women have told me that they enjoy their cocktails and wine for a few hours in the evening. But then their sleep suffers from drinking so much alcohol. Maybe 1 or 2 glasses turns into 4 or 5. I’ve heard time and time again “Wine helps me unwind. But then I find that I have very fitful sleep and wake up in a bad place in the morning. And that starts the stress-cycle all over again”

If this sounds familiar to you, now is the time to build a new healthy after-work habit. That way, when stress starts to ramp up again, you’ll have a plan in place for tackling it with ease and grace.

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